Sunday, August 30, 2009

Mesmerized by the "Princess"

We had the delight of attending the wedding of a co-worker. Gabrielle was mesmerized by the "princess" (the bride) the whole time. Of course, here she looks a bit underwhelmed at being with Papi. That's okay. I love getting in whatever pics I can with her.
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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Praying before Meals

Lately, I've been thinking about the whole praying before meals thing. I've never really given much thought about why we do other than we're supposed to be grateful to God for all that he gives us and tell him often. No scripture or biblical precent comes to mind as a defence for praying before the meal.
So, we have recently tried praying after a meal or segueing with it into our family worship time. Sometimes, we have thanked God for the food at our bedtime prayers.
Of note, I flipped through Frank Schaeffer's book, Crazy for God, passing the airport recently (I don't recommend; in some respects it seems like a type of dancing on his dad's grave). One of his "fondest" memories with his dad, Francis, is when they would take trips together and purposefully neglected a meal time prayer. I strongly recommend Edith Schaeffer's well-written tome of the history of their ministry, L'Abri.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Guarding the Good News

This is one of the major themes of the book of 2 Timothy which my church is currently preaching through right now. I had the opportunity to deliver the message on July 5th. Here's a link to the recording. The last 20 or so minutes of the recording shouldn't have been recorded. What matters is the first 30 minutes and even more the Word of God itself.